“For as long as I can remember since being a child, I have been captivated by the water. When I am around it, I can't hold back from sticking my feet in, from touching it, from the fantasy of building a Tom Sawyer-like raft and spending my days floating around on it. I spent hours staring at it, fixating on it. It was embedded in my mind and heart.
Not yet a painter, I spent my whole life this way until one day in my thirties when I realized what I wanted to do. I wanted to paint the water. I was obsessive, fanatical, driven to recreate it, working hard and learning as I went how to paint while mastering the subject.I wanted to create work that, when placed in your home or office, would grip you and captivate you and your guests in a positive way—something they would remember when they left.
I also aimed to incorperate elements that make the colors glow and the water look realistically translucent, to make a constantly moving subject appear to be doing so. So that every day in your home or office, you are inspired and refreshed, as if you have taken a moment and walked down to the water for a reset.”