The Great Debate: Prints vs. Original Paintings

Art lovers, let's talk about a topic that often stirs up passionate opinions: the controversy over making prints from original paintings. (And believe me, people often express their passion about this in person... I could tell you stories! In fact just a couple of weeks ago an older lady felt it appropriate to passionately interrogate me about why I am offering prints!) Some see it as a fantastic way to make art accessible, while others sadly feel it dilutes the uniqueness of the original work. Let’s dive into both sides of the debate. 🌟

The Case for Prints

Accessibility 🌍: Prints allow more people to enjoy and own beautiful artwork, regardless of their budget, bringing creativity into more homes and spaces. They democratize art, making it possible for anyone to appreciate and collect pieces they love without breaking the bank.

Artist Support 💪: By offering prints, artists can reach a wider audience and sustain their practice financially. This can lead to more original creations down the line. Prints can provide a steady stream of income, allowing artists to focus on their craft and continue producing original works.

Preservation 🛡️: Prints help preserve the essence of the original piece. High-quality prints immortalize a masterpiece, ensuring that even if the original is lost or damaged, its beauty and impact can still be enjoyed by many.

Value Enhancement 💎: Interestingly, the availability of prints can increase the value and uniqueness of the original painting. As more people own prints and appreciate the artwork, the original piece gains a sort of legendary status. The original becomes the revered source of these prints, elevating its significance and desirability among collectors. The more well known and popular an artist becomes, the more the value of their work increases. This is good for everyone!

The Case Against Prints

Originality 🌟: Some argue that prints can never capture the true essence, texture, and vibrancy of an original painting. The tactile experience of brushstrokes and the unique qualities are lost in reproduction, leaving something essential behind.

Value 💎: Originals are one-of-a-kind, often holding more sentimental and financial value. Prints are reproductions, and some believe this reduces the exclusivity and specialness of owning art. The unique connection to the artist’s hand and the historical context of an original piece cannot be fully replicated in a print.

My Perspective

What do I think? I believe both originals and prints have their place, each offering unique benefits and experiences. The term "starving artist" is not romantic, and can sadly become true when artists are restricted by not adding other income streams, like prints, to supplement their income.

I believe that prints ADD value to the original by helping the artists to become more well known and therefore increasing the demand for their work. As a working artist, providing prints supports my income and allows me to continue being an artist. Many artists who cannot survive making a living from their work sadly have to give up and work a 9-5.

I offer a solution to this for those on the fence. A sliding scale pricing system to customize according to the collector’s budget and feelings on prints.

1) Exclusive Original

  • Pricing: High-End

  • Option: Pay a premium price to own the original painting with a guarantee that no prints will be made.

  • Benefit: You get the ultimate exclusivity, owning a truly one-of-a-kind piece that remains unique to your collection.

    2) Limited Edition Prints

  • Price: Mid-Range

  • Option: Choose a middle-tier price for the original painting, and agree to a limited edition run of prints.

  • Benefit: You enjoy the original painting while allowing a select number of high-quality prints to be shared with other art lovers, enhancing the piece's prestige and extending its impact.

    3) Standard Original with Prints

  • Price: Standard

  • Option: Opt for the standard price with the understanding that prints of the painting will be made available.

  • Benefit: This option allows you to own the original piece at a more accessible price, while also supporting the artist’s reach and sustainability through print sales.

Join the Conversation

What’s your take on this debate? Share your thoughts in the comments! 👇


REMINDER: Rachel offers both canvas AND paper prints and opens her print shop seasonally to maintain a streamlined workflow between painting and offering prints. Sign up for the insiders email list by clicking HERE to be notified when the next print shop opening will be.

Rachel Piluso